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Make Some Noise

Make Some Noise

Audacious. If somebody called me audacious, I’d have to pause and consider if it was a compliment or not. To exude audacity – well that’s just a little loud, even brazen! Canadians have mixed feelings about big ideas and bold, audacious ways of living. Dreaming big is...
Driven By Curiosity

Driven By Curiosity

I proved Stephen Hawking wrong. Whenever I say those five words during a speech, people in the audience suddenly perk up, as if a little jolt of electricity has been delivered to their seats. I always get a kick out of that. When I say “I proved Stephen Hawking...
Chris Gardner: The Pursuit Of Happyness

Chris Gardner: The Pursuit Of Happyness

Interview by Shevaun Voisin In a moment, on a television screen, Will Smith was blown away by the strength and confidence he saw in Chris Gardner’s eyes. Chris was being interviewed by Barbara Walters and Will knew there was something remarkable about him. Whether...