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Tranquil Abiding In Fearful Times

Tranquil Abiding In Fearful Times

A couple of nights ago, a strong wind blew through the mountainous region where I live. We’re used to a lot of weather here – snowstorms that close schools, rains that wash out roads, and winds that topple trees. A few times each year we lose electricity, sometimes...

Seeing The Perfection In The Imperfect

. “Life can only be understood backwards; but must be lived forwards.” – Soren Kierkegaard . Have you ever had a day or a series of days where you just felt ‘blah’? Have you ever felt stuck or experienced a setback? Have you ever felt like your days were an endless...

The Power Of Paradox

Life is filled with paradox – the tension of opposites. Current market swings, divorce rates, and explosive war headlines are daily reminders of our inability to tolerate opposing tension. Our corporate and personal lives seem to teeter on the brink of a chasm created...