by Motivated Magazine | Aug 26, 2011 | Reflect
As the Salama Shield drama group gyrates, the beat of African drums escalates. A snake-line of young and old dancers dressed in bright green and red writhe past. Their sweat-soaked faces shine as they dance with the joyful message of, “Hope with a Plan”. Minutes away...
by Motivated Magazine | May 12, 2011 | Reflect
It’s a rare entrepreneur who begins their work day when it is too early and too late for a cup of coffee. But for Robbin Wenzoski, rising from a warm bed in the blackness of the night is not only the norm, it is when he does his most creative thinking. At 2:30am,...
by Motivated Magazine | Sep 17, 2010 | Grow
Landing at a barren grass airstrip in Northern Uganda, I’m caught off guard at the sight of a jeep full of soldiers armed with AK-47s slowly driving away. Apparently, Africans take runway clearance seriously— meandering gazelles would not have had a chance! It’s the...