by Motivated Magazine | Jul 5, 2011 | Grow, Uncategorized
Sitting in a coffin-tight bobsled waiting for the crew to push me off, my chest tightens. They give me a shove and suddenly I’m flying. The first part of the concrete track covered with ice is straight, and in a sport that’s recorded in the hundredths of...
by Motivated Magazine | Jan 23, 2011 | Grow
As a motivational speaker, I start many of my presentations with this question. Why; because it is a simple, and very effective, way to help you think about your priorities. Take a moment right now and seriously consider your answer to this question. What would you...
by Motivated Magazine | Sep 17, 2010 | Lead
Leadership is a mysterious and elusive concept. What we read as history is really the creation of myths. From an ordinary person, society creates a Napoleon, or Gandhi, a Martin Luther King or Joan of Arc, someone who acquires mythic status as a shaper of destiny. We...