by Motivated Magazine | Dec 5, 2011 | Grow
In my early thirties I threw myself across the stage with wild abandon, singing and acting in shows like “Brigadoon” and “Hello Dolly”. My child self was alive, well and playful! I love show people. They lead with their hearts, and their creative child. They’re free...
by Motivated Magazine | Jul 5, 2011 | Grow, Uncategorized
Sitting in a coffin-tight bobsled waiting for the crew to push me off, my chest tightens. They give me a shove and suddenly I’m flying. The first part of the concrete track covered with ice is straight, and in a sport that’s recorded in the hundredths of...
by Motivated Magazine | Apr 15, 2011 | Reflect
I love my job! I guess I’m one of those lucky people that actually dared to find a vocation that fuels my spirit and has me jumping out of bed every day just raring to go! Can you remember that feeling? As an entrepreneur and small business owner there’s...
by Motivated Magazine | Feb 24, 2011 | Grow, Uncategorized
Life isn’t always about aiming for the top of the corporate ladder. Sometimes, life shows you a different path from the one you have chosen. The key to success, in my opinion, is being true to yourself. Only then can you be an inspiration to others and help guide them...
by Motivated Magazine | Sep 22, 2010 | Learn
Ever since I was 16, I’ve been directly responsible for my own income based on commission sales and my entrepreneurial endeavors. The limit of what I could earn was directly related to how hard I worked. And I found that what mattered most was production. Being...