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Let Your Light Outshine Your Fear

Let Your Light Outshine Your Fear

Olive Kay was a depression era single mother with a grade three education when she was abandoned by her alcoholic husband and began cooking for farmhands in the Prairie dustbowl. Decades later, when the Quebec Chronicle newspaper advertised for a “Women’s Editor”, she...

Intuition: Head vs Heart

In business and in life we’re presented with data.  It’s neither positive nor negative, it’s just plain data that we’re given the opportunity to attach meaning to.  Learning that your biggest account just switched to your competitor is actually neutral data.  We’re in...
Evict The Unwelcome Tenant

Evict The Unwelcome Tenant

I’m blessed to be married to a brilliant, self-reflective, virtually egoless man who looks past my face, into my eyes, and deeply into my soul.  He has the strength to call me out, and it’s one of the many things I love about him. He pointed out to me recently that he...
Using Radar Can Help In Business

Using Radar Can Help In Business

If you’ve ever peeked into the cockpit of an airplane when boarding a flight you’ve probably noticed the overwhelming number of gauges and indicators there. If you’re like me, the first time you saw them you wondered “how in the world does the...