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Reflecting Your Light

Reflecting Your Light

As I write this, our beautiful one-year-old daughter Ireland, is running around my office waving her hands wildly.  She’s full of joy; she’s pure light. Yesterday she knocked a plant off my windowsill and learned what soil feels like, smearing it in circles on my...
The Magical Theatre Of The Mind

The Magical Theatre Of The Mind

Whenever I need to clarify my vision I race to water; I race, because it quite simply, feeds my soul. It doesn’t matter if I float on the water gently maneuvering my kayak, bearing witness to the early morning mist.  Or, if I sit on the very edge of a dock listening...
Holding On While Letting Go

Holding On While Letting Go

I am Silken. I am woven of the varied experiences of my life: alternately the wire that tangles together to create a steel cable or the fine threads that create the most exquisite of silk scarves. Each event, each fleeting observation, each subtle betrayal, crushing...
Chris Gardner: The Pursuit Of Happyness

Chris Gardner: The Pursuit Of Happyness

Interview by Shevaun Voisin In a moment, on a television screen, Will Smith was blown away by the strength and confidence he saw in Chris Gardner’s eyes. Chris was being interviewed by Barbara Walters and Will knew there was something remarkable about him. Whether...