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A Journey Of Awakening

Life isn’t always about aiming for the top of the corporate ladder. Sometimes, life shows you a different path from the one you have chosen. The key to success, in my opinion, is being true to yourself. Only then can you be an inspiration to others and help guide them...
Love The Life You’re Living

Love The Life You’re Living

If you and I were sharing a cup of coffee right now I’d ask you point blank, “Do you love your life?” I’d ask you to skip the details of how you spend your time, and your money, what your title at work is, and how often you vacation.  I’d gesture with my hand and an...
Enlightened Leadership

Enlightened Leadership

Leadership is a mysterious and elusive concept. What we read as history is really the creation of myths. From an ordinary person, society creates a Napoleon, or Gandhi, a Martin Luther King or Joan of Arc, someone who acquires mythic status as a shaper of destiny. We...