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Humans Race

Live a Racing Life Since the beginning of human existence, we have raced. For early humans it was literally a race to eat and not be eaten. Our ancestors’ days were full of struggles and challenges just to survive. Today we seek comfort, easy challenges, and avoid...

Navigating Your Business In Today’s Economy

Question: I’m a small business owner looking for creative opportunities to reduce my expenditures so I can manage my way through the tough economic times ahead. Do you have some advice for me? Answer: I’ve included six solid suggestions that can help stimulate your...

The Power Of Paradox

Life is filled with paradox – the tension of opposites. Current market swings, divorce rates, and explosive war headlines are daily reminders of our inability to tolerate opposing tension. Our corporate and personal lives seem to teeter on the brink of a chasm created...

“Lamaro” Means Loving

Landing at a barren grass airstrip in Northern Uganda, I’m caught off guard at the sight of a jeep full of soldiers armed with AK-47s slowly driving away. Apparently, Africans take runway clearance seriously— meandering gazelles would not have had a chance! It’s the...

The Team That Matters

Upon reflection, I realize the success of M&M Meat Shops started the day I was born into an energetic, happy family of nine children in Kitchener, Ontario. What I valued then is what I value today – family, community, and good food! My passion for people and...