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Climbing Out Of The Rabbit Hole

Climbing Out Of The Rabbit Hole

Last year, I decided to start a blog. It was like falling into a rabbit hole – part dream, part nightmare. I was sucked into a new world populated by smiling avatars. I was writing and creating at a rapid pace. People left comments, asked questions, invited me to...

What If You Only Had A Year To Live?

As a motivational speaker, I start many of my presentations with this question. Why; because it is a simple, and very effective, way to help you think about your priorities. Take a moment right now and seriously consider your answer to this question. What would you...

Fighting For Meaning… When Losing Means Learning

I’ve spent most of my life hitting people for a living. I’ve risen to the highest ranks in my profession. I’ve tasted fame, courted fortune, and even watched myself on the big screen in an award-winning movie based on my life. I’ve won far more than I’ve lost. But...

A Rose By Any Other Name

I’ve always been a little uncomfortable with my name. Officially, it is Maria Rosario, but everyone knows me as Rosie. Born in Canada in a place where the majority of people I knew had English names, I thought mine sounded w-a-a-y-y too ethnic. I felt that my...

To Fly With Eagles

Engine failure! A terrible silence pounds my ears. I jam the stick forward. At 200 feet I only have about 20 seconds gliding time before I slam into the trees. A quick glance reveals an option: a highway! There’s a road sign and a curve, and a car coming straight...