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The Merits of Naked Consulting

The Merits of Naked Consulting

When I graduated from college and became a management consultant, one of the first thing I was taught was how to answer questions from clients without giving away my age or lack of business experience. “Instead of admitting that you graduated from college last spring,...

The Fear Factor

Every morning for the past two weeks I have been religiously listening to the Kid Rock song, “Born Free.” I particularly like these lyrics: “You can knock me down and watch me bleed, but you can’t keep no chains on me. I was born free!” You and I were created to live...
Evict The Unwelcome Tenant

Evict The Unwelcome Tenant

I’m blessed to be married to a brilliant, self-reflective, virtually egoless man who looks past my face, into my eyes, and deeply into my soul.  He has the strength to call me out, and it’s one of the many things I love about him. He pointed out to me recently that he...
Ignite The Fire Within

Ignite The Fire Within

Passion is the fuel that ignites the flames of transformation and burns in the hearts of those who live authentically. A number of years ago I watched a movie called, The Never Ending Story. It’s a 1984 fantasy film based on a German novel by Michael Ende. In the...