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Reignite Curiosity & Innovation By Embracing 3 Simple Things…

Reignite Curiosity & Innovation By Embracing 3 Simple Things…

Curiosity and its business translation, “innovation”, are within all of us. They often show when we embark on a new job or career. Sadly, they also often wither away as the days, weeks, months and years grind on. The purpose of this article is to give you three simple principles for reigniting the spirit of curiosity and innovation that you once had and have now lost. The benefit of reigniting this spirit is a renewed passion for the 30% of your life you spend working.

Curiosity And Co-operation

Curiosity And Co-operation

In 2009, husband-and-wife team, Corin and Brian Mullins, started an artisan cereal business with just $129. Since then, they’ve grown it into a profitable multi-million dollar company. Holy Crap is a gluten-free, vegan, certified organic breakfast cereal made in Gibsons, British Columbia.
Brian and Corin share how they turned their idea into a reality with curiosity and cooperation.

Driven By Curiosity

Driven By Curiosity

I proved Stephen Hawking wrong. Whenever I say those five words during a speech, people in the audience suddenly perk up, as if a little jolt of electricity has been delivered to their seats. I always get a kick out of that. When I say “I proved Stephen Hawking...