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Evict The Unwelcome Tenant

Evict The Unwelcome Tenant

I’m blessed to be married to a brilliant, self-reflective, virtually egoless man who looks past my face, into my eyes, and deeply into my soul.  He has the strength to call me out, and it’s one of the many things I love about him. He pointed out to me recently that he...
Get Real About Your Money

Get Real About Your Money

Money touches virtually every primal emotion inside us. It inspires fear, greed, anger, love, envy and frustration. Why do we get so darn emotional about money? Why does making it, spending it, losing it, borrowing it, lending it, handling it, gambling it and...
The Power Of The Heart

The Power Of The Heart

Most of us don’t have our dreams handed to us on a silver platter by a man dressed in black. –But, I did. On the cusp of turning forty, I was presented with my dream, perfectly packaged and ready to open. Unfortunately, I needed to walk through fear and face my worst...