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Miracles Happen To Those Who Believe

There is truly only one tool you will ever need to create health, wealth, and happiness – to create the life of your dreams – and that is the mind. It is our most powerful tool. CHOICES You can be, do, or have anything you choose in life! You can choose to think...

A Journey Of Awakening

Life isn’t always about aiming for the top of the corporate ladder. Sometimes, life shows you a different path from the one you have chosen. The key to success, in my opinion, is being true to yourself. Only then can you be an inspiration to others and help guide them...
Teamwork: Less Me, More We

Teamwork: Less Me, More We

I love hockey. I mean, I r-e-a-l-l-y love hockey. I love hockey more than snow days, summer, or even Halloween candy! I love hockey so much that I wanted to play after my brother’s funeral because I knew it would make me feel happy. I wanted to score a goal for him. I...
Protecting Your Passion

Protecting Your Passion

I received an email a couple of weeks ago containing the generous invitation to write an article about passion and its association with success. Passion is an element in my personal and professional success, so I was keen to explore this topic. I began by asking other...