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Sign Posts To True North

At eleven years old my father, my siblings, and our Maltese cross, “Bimbo” (yes, right name, long story) trekked across Canada from Ontario in a silver Volvo sedan prone to overheating. When we eventually arrived in Vancouver, I stood in front of the Vancouver Clock...
Ignite The Fire Within

Ignite The Fire Within

Passion is the fuel that ignites the flames of transformation and burns in the hearts of those who live authentically. A number of years ago I watched a movie called, The Never Ending Story. It’s a 1984 fantasy film based on a German novel by Michael Ende. In the...
Enlightened Leadership

Enlightened Leadership

Leadership is a mysterious and elusive concept. What we read as history is really the creation of myths. From an ordinary person, society creates a Napoleon, or Gandhi, a Martin Luther King or Joan of Arc, someone who acquires mythic status as a shaper of destiny. We...
Forgiveness: A Gift You Give Yourself

Forgiveness: A Gift You Give Yourself

In the early 1980s, I was working in the Boston area as a psychotherapist and conducting stress management seminars in corporate settings, health care, and for the U.S. Army. Time and again, I found that the most stressed out people I encountered, that is, the most...