Hope Always Survives
I equated being homeless for a year as somewhat like winning a Powerball lottery; it was sudden and somewhat unexpected – I mean, I knew it could happen, but I didn’t really think it would. It was totally life-changing, in both good and bad ways. And, it taught me...
The Merits of Naked Consulting
When I graduated from college and became a management consultant, one of the first thing I was taught was how to answer questions from clients without giving away my age or lack of business experience. “Instead of admitting that you graduated from college last spring,...
Life Is A Rollercoaster Not A Rocking Chair
Sitting in a coffin-tight bobsled waiting for the crew to push me off, my chest tightens. They give me a shove and suddenly I'm flying. The first part of the concrete track covered with ice is straight, and in a sport that's recorded in the hundredths of seconds - I...
Supersize Your Dreams
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein. ‘Would you like to Supersize that?’ Before the “super sized” option was phased out in 2004, McDonald’s employees used to ask customers if they would like the largest size of...
Unleash Your Inner Rock Star: 7 Steps To Taking Centre Stage
Every day, each one of us does the exact same thing. We wake up and put our feet down on the stage. Our stage may be different – the stage of life, business, parenthood – any number of arenas. What we choose to do on that stage will be our own unique “performance” as...