Watch Me! Audacity Without Ego
Perhaps it all begins on the playground at school. Somebody breaks a rule during Four Square and all hell breaks loose. “You can’t do that! That’s against the rules!!” Playing the game, whether in Four Square or in life, is all about following the rules. And when...
Love The Life You’re Living
If you and I were sharing a cup of coffee right now I’d ask you point blank, “Do you love your life?” I’d ask you to skip the details of how you spend your time, and your money, what your title at work is, and how often you vacation. I’d gesture with my hand and an...
Evict The Unwelcome Tenant
I’m blessed to be married to a brilliant, self-reflective, virtually egoless man who looks past my face, into my eyes, and deeply into my soul. He has the strength to call me out, and it’s one of the many things I love about him. He pointed out to me recently that he...
Change Your Bait To Catch Your “Big Fish”
As a child, I vividly recall going on ventures with my father to kill multiple birds (hypothetically speaking). These birds were in the form of spending time together, relieving stress, and listening to Mother Nature speak to us. These were times that I thoroughly...
Cora Tsouflidou Allowing Change: The Journey Of Reinvention
Many years ago, I set a goal to interview a millionaire a month because I wanted to learn the commonalities of those who had achieved great wealth. It wasn’t difficult. I would pick up the phone, explain with passion that I wanted to learn and grow, and those who...