A Deliciously Sweet Recipe For Your Life
My best friend makes amazing chocolate chip cookies. Instead of adding the recommended quantity of chocolate chips, she adds tons of them so that every bite is overflowing with the taste of chocolate. Sweet! I much prefer these cookies to store bought ones where...
Feng Shui: A Methodical Approach To Happiness
In less than 200 years, our society has evolved from agricultural, to industrialized, to today’s knowledge-driven civilization. The Internet makes information about anything available to everyone and yet we know less about ourselves than ever before. The new world...
Make Some Noise
Audacious. If somebody called me audacious, I’d have to pause and consider if it was a compliment or not. To exude audacity – well that’s just a little loud, even brazen! Canadians have mixed feelings about big ideas and bold, audacious ways of living. Dreaming big is...
Stepping Into The Margins
As the Salama Shield drama group gyrates, the beat of African drums escalates. A snake-line of young and old dancers dressed in bright green and red writhe past. Their sweat-soaked faces shine as they dance with the joyful message of, “Hope with a Plan”. Minutes away...
Have The Audacity To Be Remarkable
What fears of your own did you have to lean into in order to complete your recent book, Linchpin? The biggest fear was the fear of blowing it, of alienating a hard won audience. The second fear was in not living up to the opportunity, of writing something small or not...