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Hope Always Survives

Hope Always Survives

I equated being homeless for a year as somewhat like winning a Powerball lottery; it was sudden and somewhat unexpected – I mean, I knew it could happen, but I didn’t really think it would. It was totally life-changing, in both good and bad ways. And, it taught me...
Sir Richard Branson: On A Mission To Mentor

Sir Richard Branson: On A Mission To Mentor

I sit in amazement when I continuously receive the same response from authors I approach to be included in MOTIVATED.  It’s generally a variation on the same four words: “I-would-be-honoured”.  They understand I’ve measured my intention to inspire the world to rise to...
Watch Me! Audacity Without Ego

Watch Me! Audacity Without Ego

Perhaps it all begins on the playground at school.  Somebody breaks a rule during Four Square and all hell breaks loose.  “You can’t do that! That’s against the rules!!”  Playing the game, whether in Four Square or in life, is all about following the rules.  And when...

To Fly With Eagles

Engine failure! A terrible silence pounds my ears. I jam the stick forward. At 200 feet I only have about 20 seconds gliding time before I slam into the trees. A quick glance reveals an option: a highway! There’s a road sign and a curve, and a car coming straight...

Humans Race

Live a Racing Life Since the beginning of human existence, we have raced. For early humans it was literally a race to eat and not be eaten. Our ancestors’ days were full of struggles and challenges just to survive. Today we seek comfort, easy challenges, and avoid...