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How Steve Jobs Conquers Fear

How Steve Jobs Conquers Fear

When Apple co-founder Steve Jobs returned to the company he started after an eleven year absence, Apple was in a death spiral, literally a few months from bankruptcy. The year was 1996. Jobs had been “fired” or forced out in a corporate battle in 1985, one year after...
Let Your Light Outshine Your Fear

Let Your Light Outshine Your Fear

Olive Kay was a depression era single mother with a grade three education when she was abandoned by her alcoholic husband and began cooking for farmhands in the Prairie dustbowl. Decades later, when the Quebec Chronicle newspaper advertised for a “Women’s Editor”, she...
Tenacity Creates Masterpieces

Tenacity Creates Masterpieces

Creating MOTIVATED is a labour of love for me. And when I say “love” – I mean heart pounding, fully committed, in it for life, heart and soul kind of love; passionate and full of anticipation. The kind of love that surfaces as the first thought in...
Watch Me! Audacity Without Ego

Watch Me! Audacity Without Ego

Perhaps it all begins on the playground at school.  Somebody breaks a rule during Four Square and all hell breaks loose.  “You can’t do that! That’s against the rules!!”  Playing the game, whether in Four Square or in life, is all about following the rules.  And when...
Holding On While Letting Go

Holding On While Letting Go

I am Silken. I am woven of the varied experiences of my life: alternately the wire that tangles together to create a steel cable or the fine threads that create the most exquisite of silk scarves. Each event, each fleeting observation, each subtle betrayal, crushing...