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Fighting For Meaning… When Losing Means Learning

I’ve spent most of my life hitting people for a living. I’ve risen to the highest ranks in my profession. I’ve tasted fame, courted fortune, and even watched myself on the big screen in an award-winning movie based on my life. I’ve won far more than I’ve lost. But...

The Power Of Paradox

Life is filled with paradox – the tension of opposites. Current market swings, divorce rates, and explosive war headlines are daily reminders of our inability to tolerate opposing tension. Our corporate and personal lives seem to teeter on the brink of a chasm created...
The Power Of The Heart

The Power Of The Heart

Most of us don’t have our dreams handed to us on a silver platter by a man dressed in black. –But, I did. On the cusp of turning forty, I was presented with my dream, perfectly packaged and ready to open. Unfortunately, I needed to walk through fear and face my worst...