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Hope Always Survives

Hope Always Survives

I equated being homeless for a year as somewhat like winning a Powerball lottery; it was sudden and somewhat unexpected – I mean, I knew it could happen, but I didn’t really think it would. It was totally life-changing, in both good and bad ways. And, it taught me...
Wake Up To Your Worth

Wake Up To Your Worth

Are you asleep? I know you’re thinking, “how can I be sleeping if I’m reading this?”, but I ask because I find that many of us sleepwalk through our lives. By being extremely critical of our bodies or blind to our talents, by constantly comparing ourselves to others...
Get Real About Your Money

Get Real About Your Money

Money touches virtually every primal emotion inside us. It inspires fear, greed, anger, love, envy and frustration. Why do we get so darn emotional about money? Why does making it, spending it, losing it, borrowing it, lending it, handling it, gambling it and...
Enlightened Leadership

Enlightened Leadership

Leadership is a mysterious and elusive concept. What we read as history is really the creation of myths. From an ordinary person, society creates a Napoleon, or Gandhi, a Martin Luther King or Joan of Arc, someone who acquires mythic status as a shaper of destiny. We...