by Motivated Magazine | Jan 8, 2013 | Interviews
Ten years ago I picked up the phone and called David Chilton, author of Canada’s all-time bestselling book, The Wealthy Barber. He answered on the first ring, spoke quickly, and politely declined my initial request for a meeting. It was a very brief exchange. I...
by Motivated Magazine | Aug 29, 2011 | Grow
Audacious. If somebody called me audacious, I’d have to pause and consider if it was a compliment or not. To exude audacity – well that’s just a little loud, even brazen! Canadians have mixed feelings about big ideas and bold, audacious ways of living. Dreaming big is...
by Motivated Magazine | Aug 4, 2011 | Communicate
As a communications coach, I work with speakers in a variety of fields; some are top executives running large companies and others are entrepreneurs struggling to get their startups off the ground. Some are very wealthy while others have poured everything they have...
by Motivated Magazine | Jul 13, 2011 | Strategize
Your biggest asset under any circumstances is the ability to see the “multipliers” in your world. The world is full of people, technologies, ideas, and other resources that can enhance your capabilities and enable you to accomplish far more than you could in...
by Motivated Magazine | Jun 30, 2011 | Grow, Uncategorized
Every day, each one of us does the exact same thing. We wake up and put our feet down on the stage. Our stage may be different – the stage of life, business, parenthood – any number of arenas. What we choose to do on that stage will be our own unique “performance” as...