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How Steve Jobs Conquers Fear

How Steve Jobs Conquers Fear

When Apple co-founder Steve Jobs returned to the company he started after an eleven year absence, Apple was in a death spiral, literally a few months from bankruptcy. The year was 1996. Jobs had been “fired” or forced out in a corporate battle in 1985, one year after...
Boldly Conquer Your Speaking Fears

Boldly Conquer Your Speaking Fears

As a communications coach, I work with speakers in a variety of fields; some are top executives running large companies and others are entrepreneurs struggling to get their startups off the ground. Some are very wealthy while others have poured everything they have...
The Magical Theatre Of The Mind

The Magical Theatre Of The Mind

Whenever I need to clarify my vision I race to water; I race, because it quite simply, feeds my soul. It doesn’t matter if I float on the water gently maneuvering my kayak, bearing witness to the early morning mist.  Or, if I sit on the very edge of a dock listening...
Watch Me! Audacity Without Ego

Watch Me! Audacity Without Ego

Perhaps it all begins on the playground at school.  Somebody breaks a rule during Four Square and all hell breaks loose.  “You can’t do that! That’s against the rules!!”  Playing the game, whether in Four Square or in life, is all about following the rules.  And when...
Embrace Vision, Not Mission

Embrace Vision, Not Mission

Six weeks into his new job at Microsoft, Steve Ballmer was feeling a pang of uncertainty and began to question his decision to join his former Harvard classmate, Bill Gates, at the fledgling startup. According to Ballmer’s recollection, Gates took him to dinner...